VaynerMedia's TikTok Secrets⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 6/13/22


• The Destiny Architecture Podcast with Ken Moskowitz: TikTok Secrets From VaynerMedia!

• Podcast show notes

• ICYMI: Writing successful Tweets, Medium posts, and dangerous beliefs.

• Reiki is Back at White Dove in Wichita on June 25!

The Destiny Architecture Podcast with Ken Moskowitz: TikTok Secrets From VaynerMedia!

This is my 267th podcast episode; time to level up and rename it what it should have been named all along—The Destiny Architecture Podcast! Kicking things off, I invited my friend Ken Moskowitz as a guest.

Why!? Because he just spent a couple of days inside the VaynerMedia offices with Gary V!

When I found this out, I had to know what they talked about. Guess what? The big subject on everyone's minds was TikTok!

The Destiny Architecture Podcast with Ken Moskowitz: TikTok Secrets From VaynerMedia!
My friend Ken “Spanky” Moskowitz spent some time recently at VaynerMedia in NYC. ✨ THEE ✨ VAYNER MEDIA! As in Gary V! Gary Vaynerchuk’s company! Turns out, the folks at VaynerMedia know a ✨LOT✨ about TikTok since they do —get this— TikTok’s ads! Ken gives us the inside track on what he

ICYMI: Writing successful Tweets, Medium posts, and dangerous beliefs.

6 Tips To Creating One Successful Tweet: Let's Unpack The Anatomy of a Successful Tweet

Beliefs Make Things Real—That's What Makes Them Dangerous

3 Tips On How To Build Rapport Quickly In Order To Conduct a Podcast Interview  

Can you pet the service dog? NO!

Coaching Is Part of a Holistic Plan

Medium has added the ability for readers to listen to your stories in iOs.  

Reiki is Back at White Dove in Wichita on June 25!

Destiny Architecture = Personal Development for Content Creators

My goal as a coach isn't just to help you be your best self. I want to help you do that and create the best content imaginable!

Pour into yourself with yoga, Reiki, meditation, and self-care...and the creativity will flow. So while it may look to some like this is a grab bag of stuff, these ideas do all blend together into one solid idea:

You are the architect of your own destiny—in business and in life.

Let me help you build your blueprint!

Heather Larson, Certified Coach & Reiki Master