When A Bigger Fish Picks Up Your Content, Reiki at White Dove, & a Meditation A-Ha Moment⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 3/6/23

I felt called this month to offer additional Reiki Saturdays for the month of March and I'm so glad I did! Not only did we have a blast at White Dove on Saturday, I got to meet (and work with) quite a few wonderful people.

I felt like I wouldn't be able to really help people by sitting at home. So I put myself out there.

One client told me they felt called to come in because "March Forth" wasn't a day to stay home astrologicially. So true!

I think many of us are "coming out of our shells" after the past few years and it's a beautiful thing.

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I really want to get you into the habit of meditating! It's done so much for my own spiritua practice. It's raised my self-awareness and helped me find more peace in every waking moment. 

Two More ReikI Days Remain This Month in Wichita: March 18 & 25

I’m off on March 11 to teach some kids how to meditate. Can’t wait!

There are still two more Saturdays for Reiki in the month of March at White Dove—the 18th and 25th. I may be kicking myself for adding extra days around the time college basketball kicks off, but I'm having so much fun meeting you and helping you along your spiritual path. 😉

Come see me Saturday, March 18 from 11-4! (And bring basketball scores and brackets!) 🏀

Chakra-balancing Reiki happens on the final Saturday of each month (except November/December) at White Dove in Wichita!

Walk-ins are always welcome. White Dove is located at 2947 E. Kellogg (on the frontage road). You can always call us at (316) 262-368.

This week's Destiny Architecture Blueprint is brought to you by Plum Deluxe tea.

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What happens when your content gets picked up by a bigger fish?

Something happened this week that really got me thinking and I couldn't wait to share! Much to my surprise, an article I wrote months ago was picked up and tweeted by a marketer with an audience of half a million on Twitter!

Thank you for putting my Leadtail article in your newletter and tweeting it out, Ted! 🤗 

I love this because Ted is exactly the kind of person I love to meet and/or work with. It's no accident he's longtime friends with my CEO! Ted has a clearly defined niche and is offering a ton of value through his content. I'm also in love with his niche, which is all about relationship. I didn't think twice about signing up for his newsletter.

So what happens when a bigger fish (like Ted) comes along to share your content?

Your boss will notice, which is cool.

It made me remember that "old" content is still valuable content. You can share your content for months before it's "old." You can also repurpose it. We know this, but do we practice this? Don't be afraid to share your content. Share multiple times and repurpose it.

This is another reminder that you never know who is reading your content and vibing with it.

Add it to your portfolio! I have an ever-growing collection of earned media in mine.

Communicating in the TikTok Era: A Guide for B2B Marketers ~via @Leadtail’s @WriterHeatherL — Return on Relationship
I have a long-time relationship with the founders of Leadtail,  Carter Hostelley  and  Karri Carlson . They are two of the very best B2B marketers I know, AND they foster the creation of great content that they share regularly via their channels. This is one of th

The Cosmic Trickster Was at it Again This Week & YOU Get to Reap the Benefits with a FREE Guided Meditation!

One of the things meditation has done for me is turn me from a nuclear reacter into a kinder, more peaceful soul.

Also: this took years. Your mileage may vary.

There was a time when my nervous system was so out of whack, that every noise bothered me. I heard every dog bark, engine backfire, laughing neighbor—and it all disturbed me deeply. I was reacting to all of it!

Something funny happened Friday morning when I sat down to record this week's guided meditation for subscribers. The noise was making it next to impossible to record for you! The construction workers nearby had fired up all their noisy tools and my two bengal cats wouldn't simmer down after breakfast.

I was losing my patience. Then, I realized I was being the old me who was disturbed by every noise! Lesson learned. As I've said before and will say forever—there is always a barking dog. There is always noise. There is always disturbance. But rather than react, the trick is to respond. The trick is to choose the response.

Rather than get agitated, I decided I could choose to allow the day's recording to be more complicated and take more time. What could I change about it? Nothing. I waited for my cat to stop her incessant food crunching. The construction workers became distracted by a much quieter problem. Six takes later...I had it recorded!

Since I worked so hard at it (and had that a-ha moment) I decided this one has to be FREE so more people can listen to it!

So enjoy...

If you love this guided meditation, please consider becoming a subscriber for $4.99/month via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and DestinyArchitecutre.net. Here's how to do all that.

Meditation Number 5: A Guided Meditation to Help You Release The Week’s Troubles
The image above is chosen with purpose to help you with this meditation. I use a Reiki tool within it that involves choosing a shape to hold in your mind’s eye. Feel free to choose a shape from the above image if you find it helpful during this meditation. Usually,

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Thanks for reading this week's Destiny Architecture Blueprint! This is the newsletter for content creators interested in personal development. I'm Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified 100-hour Meditation Teacher, & Usui Reiki Master Heather Larson, and I believe being a side-hustling content creator requires a ton of great self-care: Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, and more. So join me on this journey by hitting the "subscribe" button!