Let me help you find your purpose and create a new path⚡️The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 1/23/23

What a long, strange trip it's been...

I now love what I do for a living. I want to help you do the same!

Two years ago, I was screwed. I had just found out I had asthma and I caught that thing 🦠 on top of how sick I was already. I hated my new corporate job and its toxic environment; I was running out of energy for it when I was ✨only✨ battling undiagnosed asthma. I knew I couldn't return to it while recovering my health. If I tried, I knew the illnesses would never end.

I chose to take the hard road, which meant putting my health first and being honest with myself.

I wasn't living my purpose in a corporate job that was working me like those mules I'd seen helping people descend the steep paths of the Grand Canyon. Corporate life simply wasn't my load to carry.

I chose—in my sickest, weakest state—to save my own life in every way. I decided that, somehow, I'd find a way to work from home. That was my only parameter because I knew I'd never make it through a four-hour shift, let alone an eight-hour one. I needed a nap just from getting out of bed, taking my vitals, feeding my cats, and feeding myself!

I needed to find a way to pace myself through a part-time work day and I didn't settle until I found it!

It took four heartbreaking months that were a dark night of the soul I'm glad to say I've forgotten. There were at least a dozen job interviews, one of which I had a coughing fit during. (I didn't get that one). I was mortified. How could I ever fit into a workplace again? I wasn't well enough to coach or offer Reiki.

Then it happened. I found the most amazing, conscious company and I still work with them to this day. I made a promise at the beginning of 2022 that I would no longer take on any projects or clients I didn't LOVE.

Then it happened again. I found another client, just as amazing and conscious as the first! Now I have two amazing freelance clients to work with (not for) whom I can fully use my talents and even pick up new ones.

Mind blown! 🤯 I'm now a freelancer who works from home for two amazing, steady & stable clients. I still have time to create content for Destiny Architecture and work with my awesome coaching, Reiki, and meditation clients. I have time and energy to work on my yoga teacher training and go to the gym at the end of the day. I no longer feel depleted because I'm living my purpose!

I say to myself several times each day, "I can't believe I get paid for this!"  

And this is all because I believed in myself, put my health first, changed my priorities, and chose to become honest with myself.

You're not a human doing, you're a human being.

You're not meant to be a corporate slave. If respect is no longer being served where you work, I give you FULL PERMISSION to get up from the table and leave. Step away and begin working on becoming the architect of your own destiny.

Please, find your purpose. Find joy again. The world needs your gifts. Content creation played a big role in my pivot from corporate broadcast hack to being able to freelance today. Years of blogging, podcasting, and building a social media following finally paid off.

While those were hobbies for many years, they gave me the skills I needed in order to free myself from a place in life where I wasn't gaining new ones. That's why I'm now offering a three-month coaching package to help you do the same. Scroll down for more details about it.

Video of the Week: Self-Care Will Change Your Entire Life

Get your Chakras Balanced Through Reiki on Saturday, 1/28, at White Dove in Wichita

Reiki Day is the final Saturday of the month January-October in 2023. I'll see you from 11-4 at White Dove Wichita on 1/28/23!

I'm offering chakra-balancing Reiki sessions, 30 minutes, at $40. You can also come in for a complimentary breakthrough coaching session. Established coaching clients, you can come in for a 30-minute express session at a low rate, just $40.

The Destiny Architecture Blueprint is brought to you by 1 Password.

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Announcing a 3-Month Coaching Package for Aspiring Content Creators

You want to join the creator economy to share your message but don't know where to start. With this package, you commit to three months of weekly one-hour sessions that will have homework, communication in between, and a 15-minute weekly check-in.

That's a lot of accountability! You WILL succeed in becoming an online content creator when you choose this package.

This special introductory offer of $999 will not last for long and space is limited.

We will work on frameworks, habits, and personal development to strengthen your creative abilities.

I will help you succeed with everything you choose to do as an online creator:

Writing, marketing, blogging, website building, social media, audio editing, podcasting, video editing, software choices, how to "show up" online, how to find your message, how to find your audience—and more.

This is a $3,000+ value package! For most of these 1:1 services, I charge $100-250 an hour. If you were looking for a sign on whether or not joining the creator economy is right for you, I stand here with a big, neon "YES!" 🙌

Curated Content for Content Creators (Who Also Care Deeply About Personal Development)

I got to interview some of my colleagues for this blog about special days in B2B social media marketing. I really loved the ideas they share here!

How to Use Special Days in B2B Social Media Marketing
Here’s a deep-dive into what Special Days are and how to utilize them for a more humanized B2B marketing approach.

Ready to hit the Sober Bar? You're not alone! This New York bar owner says business is booming.

Watch: ‘Sober bar’ owner says she’s struggling to meet unprecedented demands | CNN Business
New York City bar owner Abby Ehmann joins “CNN This Morning” to discuss why she decided to open a “sober bar,” saying “this dry January has snowballed into the driest January on record.”

There's nothing wrong with being a micro-influencer, and yes, that's a thing 👇

“Micro-Influencers” Are Embracing Their Smaller, Engaged Audiences
Anna Jane Wisniewski is one of the many longtime content creators embracing their smaller but engaged audience — despite an industry that, she says, can place pressure on them to grow, grow, grow.

The Destiny Architecture Meditation & Yoga Shop is LIVE!

I'm sharing products I use and love (like acupressure mats) alongside quite a few things that are on my personal shopping list for 2023. If you need a yoga mat, crystal jewelry, or a musical headband (my fave), please consider shopping with us!

Schedule your next online life coaching or Reiki session today.

Visit the Destiny Architecture yoga & meditation store.

Learn about meditation and give it a try.

Listen to 250+ episodes of the Destiny Architecture podcast.

Snag software discounts, my minimalism eBook, and more.

Need an eBook on personal development or life coaching worksheet?

Have I helped you with something BIG in life? Spread the love and pay it forward with a testimonial! 😊

Find me on Open Path Healing Arts Collective for life coaching on a sliding scale.

Thanks for reading this week's Destiny Architecture Blueprint! This is the newsletter for content creators interested in personal development. I'm Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified 100-hour Meditation Teacher, & Usui Reiki Master Heather Larson, and I believe being a side-hustling content creator requires a ton of great self-care: Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, and more. So join me on this journey by hitting the "subscribe" button!