Putting Spiritual Topics Through AI + 5 Dry January Tips⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 1/16/23

I did more than just play with the AI. I really sat with this idea and asked my higher self if using AI is even in alignment with Reiki. Keep reading to gain that insight.

What is Reiki—According to AI?

Like many, I decided to give OpenAI's ChatGPT a whirl by typing in one of my favorite questions, "What is Reiki?" Here's what the AI served up:

It's intriguing that AI knows about Reiki, which is arguably still nowhere near mainstream.

Very interesting, especially because this was served to me in seconds. It's not bad! But I wouldn't use the word "patient," as I am not a doctor. Mikao Usui is a Dr. in many references, though not an MD, so I can see where that may have come from.

I have never once heard the phrase "palm healing" in more than a decade of practicing Reiki.

But other than that, this is pretty accurate!

What can you do with AI?

Can AI writing save time? I think so. But...

Will Google penalize us for using it if we do? The answer is YES.

The news of a Google penalty for AI content became quite the topic of conversation in the world of content marketing, which includes SEO. One big-name content marketer did an experiment and found that search engines killed his AI-generated content.

So can you build your site with AI-generated content? Nope. Not if you want to rank in search engines, which I think we all do.

Search Engine Journal does offer a few ideas of ways you can use AI that don't include writing web pages and blogs. Using ChatGPT for keyword analysis sounds like a time-saving win. But to use it to produce content? That's not a good idea—especially if you consider yourself a spiritual content creator.

Here's why.

Misusing AI is Against Reiki's Principles

One of Reiki's five precepts, or principles, is to work honestly. If Reiki's guiding lights are new to you, let's review the 5 Reiki Precepts.

Just for today:

  1. Do not worry
  2. Do not anger (I've written before on how we shouldn't take this literally).
  3. I will be grateful
  4. I will be kind to every living thing
  5. I will do my work honestly.

We always need to be consciously aware of how we work when we work in the healing arts such as Reiki, yoga, coaching, and meditation. These are places where our work serves others. Even if I am writing online about these things, this work still serves others.

To pass off AI writing as one's own would be dishonest.

I've always seen it as cheating. High schools also see this as cheating and, in fact, AI writing being abused in academia is a problem right now.

Personally, I think you're still plagiarizing if you do this; you're simply cheating off a machine instead of a person. I realize some see it as a lesser theft since they aren't stealing from a human being. But cheating is cheating.

In schools, the objective is to pass tests and make grades. But in real life, the only person you are cheating if you abuse AI writing is yourself. The writing journey I've been on since I started writing professionally in the early 2000s has been nothing short of miraculous.

Because I wanted to be a writer, I got into journalism, radio, and TV news.

I took screenwriting courses in junior college. I worked hard and got into Boston University. Heather The Reporter did red carpet interviews with celebrities, covered sporting events, and did local and even national news. Heather the producer booked Jennifer Lopez on her morning show, reported on local crimes, sat adjacent to what we'd call "influencers" today, and learned from the best. My life lessons came from coworkers like Greg Kihn and Alice Cooper in my youth. They were great teachers.  

I worked hard, put in the reps, and never turned down a shift. I'm proud to see I made all my career achievements because I earned them. I wouldn't have it any other way!

Had ChatGPT and other AI writers been around in 1997, what would be different for this writer?

Perhaps none of this would have happened. Instead of being a high schooler chasing a grade, I would have been a clout and money-chasing wannabe influencer. Or worse—a female version of the marketing bros shilling these things on Twitter.

Oh, I'll still be experimenting with them and watching them closely. I do a little writing about the AI industry as a freelancer. I know enough to understand that the current AI writing craze is nothing but a blip on the radar of what AI can really do.

I believe AI is headed toward greatness. But as the humans who program this software and use it, we bear a great ethical responsibility. We can't wait to be handed that baton. We must act now with integrity and not lose ourselves in the awesome power of what powerful servers and code can do.

Let's obey Reiki's principles and act with integrity now. Let's work honestly today.

The Destiny Architecture Blueprint is brought to you this week by Notion! Who doesn't love Notion? It's long been a favorite of mine for a variety of uses. Any time I wander away, I've always found my way back to it. I use Notion to create searchable notes for yoga teacher training. I love the templates. We used Notion often in Ship 30. I've worked with clients who use it, so it's a good thing to gain some familiarity with it. It's a limitless, easy-to-tailer SaaS and I think you'll find many uses for it, too! 👍  

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Notion is the all-in-one workspace that combines notes, docs, project management, and wikis — and makes them all customizable. Over 20 million people and teams around the world use it to collaborate, stay informed, and get more done together. If every person and business can tailor the software to their problems, the world will be better at solving its problems. Our mission as a company is to make that a ubiquitous reality.
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5 Tips for Dry January from A Woman Who's 9 Years Sober

It's me, Hi 👋 — I'm the sober one, it's me! I've been sober from booze since 7/1/2013.

15% of Americans polled by Morning Consult said they planned to participate in Dry January this year, a four-percentage-point drop from a year ago. Perhaps it's because we're beyond the pandemic now and getting out more. Maybe people quit alcohol during 2022's dry January—and it stuck!

Either way, here are a few tips to get the most from your foray into Dry January if you take part:

  1. Read a book 📖

Here's a great list of quit lit from Biblio, a great site for used books and collectible volumes. Obviously, I'm a big self-help advocate when it comes to alcoholism.

But what if you need or want more help?

2. "It's Me, Hi, I'm the problem!" -Your friend, Alcohol

Alcoholism is sneaky. Often, everyone else knows you're having a problem with alcohol before you do. So how you do know if you need to extend your Dry January into...February and forever?

If you're chemically dependent and getting delirium tremens (DTs) from detoxing, then yes, you have a problem. You will require medical supervision to detox safely. (You can have a seizure or stroke; it's dangerous, please seek help). This is a key reason why people have trouble quitting drinking. Yes, women get these too. But what if you don't?

What else should you look for?

Deciding you need professional help to quit a substance you believe you're abusing is a big step. If you have trouble going without alcohol, make attempts to control your drinking, find yourself spending too much money on booze, or tend to have negative consequences due to your drinking—you likely have a problem.

Negative consequences of drinking can include physical illness, depression, alcohol poisoning, drunk shopping, drunk dialing, an inability to socialize with healthy people, and many more. It differs for all of us, which is why I say alcoholism is sneaky.

(This is not a replacement for medical, mental health or addiction advice; please seek professional help from a licensed physician, mental health professional, or licensed addiction counselor. Reading an article on the internet is no replacement for professional help or medical care).

3. Meditate on your alcohol usage

Take time to become the observer of your patterns with alcohol. Become aware of how you crave it, how often, and how much you drink. Are you using it to numb pain? Are you using it to overcome shyness or a mood disorder?

Have you ever ruined your budget because you spent too much buying alcohol, paying bar tabs, or "going out?" What triggers these episodes?

Have you behaved in a manner you regret once a night of drinking is over? Have you gotten into fights with others or passed out and then missed something important? (I did both of those back in my drinking days).

Be honest. This isn't an exercise to induce guilt or shame. If you're drinking too much, you already have enough of that on your own. This is an exercise into learning to observe and become aware of your own patterns, or samskaras, as they are called in yoga.

4. You have to replace drinking with something.

Chances are, you've been using drinking as a tool. It's a coping mechanism, a hobby, and a way of life. Letting go of it can be anxiety-inducing. Find a hobby. I'm serious. Take walks or go to the gym. You have found something in alcohol—meaning, solace, a sense of identity, a way to meet people, and so on.

Alcohol plays a big role in our lives. When it's gone, you have to fill the hole it leaves behind. You used it to fill a hole before. Now you have to find something new to fill that hole.

In typical addict fasion, you're likely to become addicted to that new thing too, so make sure it's healthy! 😉

5. Don't psych yourself out!

Dry January gives you a one-month reprieve from alcohol so that you can become more aware of your relationship with it. You can go back to booze on February 1st if you decide that's right for you.

Quitting alcohol forever? That's a mighty long time for anyone to think about. Don't think about forever. If Dry January gave you the idea that maybe your break from alcohol needs to go a little longer, taking it one day at a time (is cliche but) doable.

If Dry January makes a difference, consider getting some professional help. Build a support system. Find new hobbies. Start thinking about what a healthy life without alcohol long-term looks like. Then go create that.

Wichita Reiki (&Coaching Special) Day is Coming Up: See You @ White Dove on January 28 from 11-4!

I'm Still looking for some answers to the 2023 survey about what you really want in 2023. Please take the survey by the 25th to be entered to win a FREE Reiki session on the 28th (either a distance Reiki session if you're online or in-person that Saturday if you're in Wichita).

Reiki Day at White Dove This Month is January 28th!

Reiki Day is the final Saturday of the month January-October in 2023. I'll see you from 11-4 at White Dove Wichita on 1/28/23!

I'm offering chakra-balancing Reiki sessions, 30 minutes, at $40. You can also come in for a complimentary breakthrough coaching session. Established coaching clients, you can come in for a 30-minute express session at a low rate, just $40.

An atomic writing to help you create your destiny's blueprint, ICYMI:

As I continue on with my yoga teacher training, I am learning things I wish I'd known when I started practicing yoga in 1996!

These were mistakes I made for a long time. Let me help you not make these same mistakes. (Follow @WriterHeatherL on Twitter to get more of this type of content as it comes out).

Curated Content for Content Creators (Who Also Care Deeply About Personal Development)

We all know living a sedentary lifestyle is bad for our health, but just a few minutes of light walking each hour can counteract the damage, according to this new study.

Sitting too much is bad for your health, but offsetting the impact is easy, study shows | CNN
Health professionals have long warned that long periods of sitting can put you at risk for chronic diseases and early death. But how long can you sit without the impacts? A new study shows how much movement and how much sitting you should aim for.

You can be a creator and keep your full-time job!

I know for myself and many others, content creation success meant I would be able to quit my full-time job. But, different strokes for different folks. Many are working as "influencers" while still keeping full-time jobs. If you love what you do, why not? Also: the price of healthcare... Just sayin'

There are many reasons to keep a full-time job and a side hustle as a content creator, influencer—or whatever your "day job" is.

‘There is a shift taking place’: The rise of the influencer-worker
Passionfruit spoke with top creators and experts about how and why influencers are maintaining their day jobs.

Need help decluttering in the new year?

Here's an eBook to help you declutter one day at a time over the next 30 days. See your "stuff" in a different way and begin to release it.

The craziest thing about Mercury Retrograde this time around

What was begun in my life during the last mercury retrograde, September 9—October 1, is now being finished during this one—over on Wednesday, January 18.

You know how astrology-minded people say not to make travel plans during mercury retro? Well, I made mine during the last one. Appointments previously messed up in MR style? They went swimmingly during this retrograde.

We'll see if this current MR still has a little bang left for me in its final days; not all things begun during the last one have been completed. (That last one was rough!)

But MR isn't all bad: It's a good time to rest, slow down, and engage in self-care. It's not all "exes popping up and things breaking down." It can be a good time for reflection, fine-tuning our communication, and turning within. MR is a great time for Reiki, massages, meditation, and yoga. Not that there's ever a bad time for any of these.

Remember: even during mercury retrograde, YOU are the architect of your own destiny. 💫

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Have I helped you with something BIG in life? Spread the love and pay it forward with a testimonial! 😊

Please find me on Open Path Healing Arts Collective for life coaching on a sliding scale.

Thanks for reading this week's Destiny Architecture Blueprint! This is the newsletter for content creators interested in personal development. I'm Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified 100-hour Meditation Teacher, & Usui Reiki Master Heather Larson, and I believe being a side-hustling content creator requires a ton of great self-care: Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, and more. So join me on this journey by hitting the "subscribe" button!