Reiki Day is 2 Weeks Away!⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 9/12/22

Reiki day in Wichita at White Dove is two weeks away! But first, let's talk about meditation 🧘‍♀️ 👇

Just a little micro-content to inspire your meditation practice. More on that—or, what I like to call zero-click content—on my writing blog.

Meditation Is Challenging

Taking up a meditation practice can be challenging. It's also not meant for everyone.

(If you're having a mental health challenge, then meditation isn't going to be for you at this time. If you have questions, please reach out to your mental health practitioner).

If your mental health isn't a barrier to meditation, don't feel bad if you're wanting to take up the practice and find it challenging. The challenge is exactly the point. Meditation and yoga are meant to help us find ways through our challenges.

We can increase our capacity over time. This is why we can start with one, two, or three minutes of meditation on the first day. I always ask an important question when wanting to accomplish a new habit such as meditation, yoga, or writing:

What can you commit to doing consistently each day?

The answer is different for us all.

But then, we hit a streak! We do it. We manage to write, practice yoga or meditate every single day for so many days consecutively.

Then the big, bad beast of distraction comes along. We get sick or busy at work. There's an emergency and we have to help out. There's always some fire 🔥 to put out isn't there?

Then we break our streak! Oh, no. What does that mean?

Nothing. It means nothing.

Don't make up a story about it. You're not a failure. You're not "less than." It doesn't mean you're "not good enough" or "not serious enough" about your new habit—or whatever that negative thinking tries to tell you.

Dust yourself off and try again. Don't make up a story about it—and you will. Or should I say, the negative voice in your head will.

But you don't have to listen! Just keep trying. 🤝 You will get there! In meditation, we eventually learn not to listen to that nasty little inner voice that tries to come in to wreak havoc.

The more we come home to ourselves, the more we realize that's not our true inner voice.

In case you're new to this email newsletter and Destiny Architecture site, welcome!

You'll find coaching and Reiki at (around for 6 years now with yoga soon to come) and this site, which is devoted to those of you who want to embark on a content creation journey backed up by personal development to include coaching, Reiki, meditation, yoga, motivation, and personal development. You're reading the free newsletter; a paid option will come in the future once I add extra bells and whistles...

I like to combine a little bit of everything here 🪄

[FINAL SATURDAY REIKI] Reiki Day For September at White Dove is 9/24

Receive 25 minutes of Reiki for $40 in Wichita at White Dove on the final Saturday each month.

This month, Reiki Sessions are on September 24 from 11-4! I'll be balancing chakras, providing relaxation, and helping you along your spiritual journey.

You can call White Dove to book (316-262-3683), simply walk into the store that day, or you can reserve your time online (and pay ahead) by booking at this link.

Life Coaching Sessions Are Also Available!

This is my way of offering coaching sessions once a month at a deep discount—and in person—at White Dove. This is ideal if you're new to coaching, want a limited amount of coaching (as in just once a month for 1/2 an hour), or can't afford the full cost right now due to economic hardship.

Like Reiki, the coaching sessions will be 25-30 minutes for $40. You will leave with ONE actionable step you can take towards changing your life for the better. (I will follow up to make sure you take that step, too).

Thanks for reading!

-Heather Larson, Certified Coach & Reiki Master

Schedule Your Coaching or Reiki Session Today 👇

Get coaching or Reiki by heading to the booking page. (Which is the same link on both sites. If you want to bookmark the direct link for ease of use, this is it).

You can book your session directly into my calendar online and pay in advance. This holds your spot. Don't worry about, "booking into a space I don't have," my calendar is set to show open times only and never the same day.  (So you're not interrupting as some have asked! But in case of a scheduling conflict, this is why I ask for email/phone so I can contact you, just in case).

Testimonials Welcome!

If I have helped you ever, in any way, please feel free to leave a testimonial. You can do it in writing or by video here.