🌟 13 Questions to Journal When You're Resisting Change ⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 3/20/23

No sooner did I send out last week's newsletter referencing the classic business book, "Who Moved My Cheese," my "cheese" was moved again! Twice!

I had spent a lot of time gathering the info for a blog post that had been titled, "4 Ways to Subscribe to Destiny Architecture’s Weekly Guided Audio Meditations with Heather Larson."

Guess what? I had to change it to "3 Ways," because Spotify took over Anchor!

I had to laugh. 😂 The links to Anchor still work. It's just branded as Spotify now. I still edited the blog to reflect reality. Guess what happened next?

Another software I'd been using changed names!

"Ok, I'm out. I can't keep changing everything to keep up!"

Well, the joke's on me. Turns out, we don't have a choice but to keep changing in order to keep up. But humans don't like change. I know this from working in the addiction field and...from being human.

I've been taking deeper dives into where I've resisted change lately.

This led to some questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Why am I (subconsciously) comfortable here?
  2. Am I resisting change because I'm afraid of the new? Or because I may have to say goodbye to the old? (Or both).
  3. What part of me can't come along on this journey? And what can I do to release it?
  4. Am I not sleeping well? (This means too much or not enough).
  5. What parts of my life don't make me feel energized?
  6. Which parts do make me feel energized?
  7. Where am I wasting my energy in exchanges that don't leave me full, fulfilled, &/or nourished?
  8. Does this align with my purpose(s) — (as you understand your purpose(s) to be in this moment)?
  9. Have I created space and time to welcome change? (Have you created an environment personally, physically, spiritually, energetically, and emotionally where the change will "fit" and be welcomed by all parts of you?)
  10. Am I feeling compelled to be busy all the time? (A symptom of change resistance along with many other things).
  11. Who desires this change? My heart & soul? Or my ego?
  12. What must I release in order to make this change?
  13. Who is served by my staying the same?

That last one is a doozy. The answer may be...you. Or someone you love. Or a client who you've outgrown. Or friendships you don't want to lose but have also grown past.

This is why we resist change!

The answers to these questions should be revealing. You can sit with them if that's what it takes to get that a-ha moment. But if you sit too long, that's procrastination, another sneaky way we resist change.

Take a Tour of White Dove Wichita With Me!


Its #Reiki day at White Dove! Come take a tour! #reikimaster #reikisession #whitedove #wichita #metaphysicalshop #metaphysical #metaphysics #bookstore #metaphysicalbooks #bookstagram #ReikiMasterLife #yogastudio #yogastudios #yoga #acim

♬ On The Dance Floor (Instrumental) - BLVKSHP

There's 1 More Reiki Day in Wichita this Month: This Saturday, March 25

I've really enjoyed doing the extra Reiki days this month. We have one more for March!

Chakra-balancing Reiki happens on the final Saturday of each month (except November/December) at White Dove in Wichita!

Walk-ins are always welcome. White Dove is located at 2947 E. Kellogg (on the frontage road across from the old Sunnyside School). You can always call us at 316-262-3683.

You can also book online & save your spot (and pay ahead of time).

For April, I'm planning to offer Reiki on April 1, 22 (Earth 🌍 Day!), and the final Saturday as usual—April 29.

For the month of March, all books at White Dove 🕊️ are on sale for 10% off. In addition, we have some 2023 periodicals & calendars still available. Those are 25% for the month.
On April 21st thru the 23rd, John Cappello will return to White Dove. John was Psychic of the year in 2017. He will be leading his very popular Spirit Gallery on Friday & Saturday evenings. Cost is $45 and you are guaranteed a reading. In addition, he will be available for private readings on Saturday & Sunday. Cost is $110 for one half hour and $210 for an hour. He will also be available to take Aura photographs. Cost is $25 per picture. To make a reservation simply call the store at 316-262-3683 and give your name and which event you wish to attend.
Did you know? Dale holds monthly Full Moon Meditations at White Dove for all those wishing to have a place to come and add their loving energy to the world.

If you have questions about Reiki at White Dove or any of the events at the store, call us at 316-262-3683.

The Destiny Architecture Blueprint is brought to you by Plum Deluxe Tea.

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Reiki is Under Fire in New Jersey: Here's How To Help

Reiki is still (in Kansas) an unlicensed modality—unlike massage. States across the U.S. are continuing their push to regulate this traditional Japanese art & laying-on-of-hands technique that promotes healing.

If you have the time and ability, you can partake in New Jersey's fight to practice Reiki here 👇

2 Ways to Protect NJ Reiki, Action Needed to Avoid Licensing
Please take action to Protect NJ Reiki now. A public hearing has just been scheduled for Monday in Trenton. You can email written testimony.

I work with busy, gifted people to help them get out of their own way in order to share their gifts with the world.


  • You don’t know where or how to begin.
  • You fear “what will others think” if you put your unique ideas “out there.”
  • You’ve been meaning to start…but something you don’t quite understand keeps holding you back.
  • You are anxious about showing up.
  • Your inner critic is LOUD.
  • It seems everyone is becoming a content creator these days and you want to jump in, but you’re not sure what that looks like for you.
  • You’re too busy to show up and indulge your creative mind.
  • Your life is too cluttered to make room for your ideas to come forth, leaving you feeling conflicted.
  • You have burning ideas in you, but fear they—or you—aren’t “good enough.”
  • You don’t think anyone will read, listen to, or watch content if you put it out.
  • The thought of posting on social media in order to find and build an audience terrifies you.

I offer life coaching sessions in monthly or 3-month packages.

Learn more here.

Are you interested in coaching specific to content creators like yourself? I offer that too! Learn more here.

ICYMI: A Quick Meditation, Last Week's Blueprint, and more

Take 1 Minute to Meditate Right Now With Me
This is how easy it can be, just hit start and follow along! Want more? Think you have a busy mind? Guess what? I hate to burst your bubble 🫧 (no, I really don’t) but you’re NORMAL!
11 Things To Be Proactive About in Unpredictable Times
Read the original post in this week’s newsletter here, and subscribe, so you get this goodness in your inbox every Monday morning. I write freelance for tech startups. News broke Friday that Silicon Valley Bank had failed and that the Feds had seized control of it. You can imagine both

Last week's newsletter ⬇️

Don’t Wait for the Damn to Break to Move to Higher Ground⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 3/13/23
I write freelance for tech startups. News broke Friday that Silicon Valley Bank had failed and that the Feds had seized control of it. You can imagine both the flavor and color this announcement added to the Friday of anyone working in the tech sector—and beyond. A friend who

The Latest Meditation for Subscribers: Sama Vritti, or "Box Breathing"

This is a meditation technique anyone can practice. 

Access this week's podcast on DestinyArchitecture.net, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts!

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Curated Content for Content Creators (Who Also Care Deeply About Personal Development)

I just discovered Open Library—another free online library.

If you're ever in a decision-making or problem-solving rut, here are some tools for better thinking.

Who doesn't want a guide to wealth & happiness? If you've never heard of the Almanack of Naval Ravikant, it's got such a cult following that you can refer simply to "Naval," and most people will know who you're talking about.

Download it for free.

I'm still diving into the craziness that is social media SEO. That is, if you call helping people to find your content "crazy." If you didn't know, this is a thing.

See how creators are changing the way people build businesses in this video from SXSW.

Learn about life coaching here.

Learn about meditation and give it a try.

Listen to (and follow) 250+ episodes of the Destiny Architecture podcast.

Snag software discounts, my minimalism eBook, and more.

Need an eBook on personal development or a life coaching worksheet?

Have I helped you with something BIG in life? Spread the love and pay it forward with a testimonial! 😊

Find me on Open Path Healing Arts Collective for life coaching on a sliding scale.

Thanks for reading this week's Destiny Architecture Blueprint! This is the newsletter for content creators interested in personal development. I'm Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified 100-hour Meditation Teacher, & Usui Reiki Master Heather Larson, and I believe being a side-hustling content creator requires a ton of great self-care: Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, and more. So join me on this journey by hitting the "subscribe" button!