Your favorite five life coaching blogs of January 2019

Your favorite five life coaching blogs of January 2019
January 2019 Top blogs.jpg

A guide

To what you loved on the blog last month

These were the most-read blogs last month here on the Destiny Architecture life coaching blog:

My top four self-care discoveries of 2018

From the offbeat to the mainstream, 2018 taught me a few tricks that are worth sharing in this blog post to kick off an amazing year.

2. Achieving alchemy: Transforming the negative into a positive

Learn from how I transformed a personal trauma into gold recently. We can turn our negative life experiences — as bad as those memories can be — into something empowering in the present so we can heal.

3. What would a life coach say?

What would a life coach say if you were to hire a life coach such as myself? Well, I am not an advice giver. So guess who has all the answers you seek?

4. #LOAMonday #8: New affirmations to kick off 2019 in abundance

You really liked this one. Do you want some fresh LOA (Law of Attraction) affirmations for next week? I can give you some for #LOAMonday No. 10! Let me know in the comments…

5. How to break free of negative emotions

This one was also popular in January, though I wrote it in November. It comes with a downloadable PDF worksheet you can use to help do your work. If negative emotions are keeping you in a holding pattern, I can help you move forward. Helping others move forward is my specialty. I’ve done it for years as a sober coach and as a transformational life coach.

Honorable mention:

What Meghan Markle’s wedding has taught us about self-care

I love, love, LOVE Meghan Markle! Clearly, she engages in amazing self-care. I’m not just talking about her beauty and fashion. That smile is genuine and omnipresent. I’ve read some articles recently about how she continues to practice yoga and has gotten Prince Harry into it. They practice yoga together. It’s like she's training the hubs on self-care! Good job, newlyweds!

My favorite thing I read all last week:

Since we are on the subject of self-care, here’s a great article on what is and isn’t considered to be true self-care.

Personally, I believe self-care can be as broad as we need it to be. But we need it to be what we need it to be. I heard a coworker say they engaged in self-care last week because they went to a concert. Some days, for some people, attending a concert is a great exercise in self-care.

What I think that amounts to often is, “I did a thing! That means I wasn’t working like a workaholic and serving others nonstop like a raging codependent!”

Do we get the cookie for that?

Some do! For some people, doing anything but work and take care of others is an accomplishment! Hello, parents. Am I right?

I look at self-care in broader terms. Some days it’s the bubble bath with the indulgent bath bomb or it’s the concert tickets. Some days it’s putting my butt in the seat to do what needs to be done to reach my goals. Self-care is boring. Self-care is fun. Self-care can be 100% psychological too. I consider my self-care on point when I am keeping my boundaries strong — fence high and bullshit meter on!

Now that I’ve revealed what the most-read blogs were last month, tell me what you’d like to read more of here on the blog. (Or, throw down some AMA questions below — that’s “Ask Me Anything” if you aren’t a total internet nerd like I am).