Personal Development For Content Creators ⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 8/8/22

Welcome to the weekly newsletter that helps you with the kind of personal development you need to become a better content creator. We'll explore Reiki, writing, and content creation below before wrapping up this newsletter by helping you show up online.

Looking at the data behind writing online to see what works

Read my most engaging atomic essay Of All Time (so far) and learn what works online. So what works here? This piece helped people find ways to become online marketers FOR FREE. I provided useful, actionable information.

Now, for the cold truth about pursuing your goals 🧵 👇

Past writings about personal development & Reiki:

Can life coaches give advice? The short answer is no. The blog explains why.

If you're new to the Japanese energy healing technique, learn how Reiki is performed.

Read the Blueprint for 7/25. It explains the 7 ways Reiki helps you reduce stress.

When Life Throws a Curveball...  The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 7/18/22 will help you engage in self-care while still pursuing your goals when life kicks your ass.

Visit & Support Destiny Architecture

On the main site,, which turns 6 years old this month!

Need a hoodie for fall? Visit the Destiny Architecture store. Or, if you're still 🥵 hot all the time like me, go for the "I love Reiki" t-shirt.

The Wichita Reiki Day in August Lands on 8/27

I offer 25 minutes of Reiki for $40 in Wichita at White Dove on the final Saturday each month.

This month, this is on August 27 from 11-4!

You can call White Dove to book (316-262-3683), simply walk into the store that day, or you can reserve your time online (and pay ahead) by booking at this link.

The day isn't limited to Reiki!

I decided this would be a GREAT way to offer affordable coaching sessions once a month—and in person—at White Dove. This is ideal if you're new to coaching, want a limited amount of coaching (as in just once a month for 1/2 an hour), or can't afford the full cost right now due to economic hardship.

Like Reiki, the coaching sessions will be 25-30 minutes for $40. You will leave with ONE actionable step you can take towards changing your life for the better. (I will follow up to make sure you take that step, too).

Book a complimentary coaching session if you're a first-timer, or the $40 session if you're a repeat client.  

Please reach out with questions at destinyarchitecture [at] gmail [dot] com.

I know times are tough for many right now with inflation, higher gas prices, and an insanely volatile economy. I've been there and I just didn't feel right charging more than $40 for 30-minutes of (in-person) coaching and Reiki right now.

Especially if you're seeking career coaching like help with a career change, resume, job interview, or LinkedIn profile! (Remember, a first-time session is free online and an in-person session and could just be the jolt you need).

Personal development for Content Creators

Destiny Architecture
Be the architect of your own destiny in life + biz. Personal development for creators: Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, and Coaching

Want to work as a social media manager? You need these skills.

YouTube Shorts & Showing Up Online Via Video

I've been preaching about YouTube shorts for a while because I discovered them right after I took a deep dive into TikTok with my friend Ken.

Here's more about the evolution of what I think is the most successful way to reach a new audience online: YouTube Shorts ⬇️  

YouTube Shares New Insights into How to Use Shorts to Boost Your Channel Performance
YouTube has answered some common questions about its algorithms, and how it ranks Shorts content.

Notice on the Destiny Architecture YouTube page how shorts are the first thing you'll see.

Make shorts!

They don't have to be fancy. The barrier to entry is low. All you need is your phone to make a short as you would any TikTok or Instagram Reel. This leads me to my next point...

Question of the Week: How Can I Show Up Online?

I joined a coworking spot recently where I can network with other women in business. I had a coffee date with a lady who works in insurance. She'd also been recruited by our coworking spot to make an Instagram Reel.

My eyes lit up.

"You can do so much as an insurance agent by making Reels!"

"Ok, Heather, but how do I start showing up on videos?"

I actually made a whole video about this earlier this year 👇

My early videos? Horrible. Awkward. But I watched them and began learning how to do better. We all start out hating how we sound or look via audio and video. I spent 20+ years on the air as a radio personality hearing my own voice.

But video was different!

I'd never had to "show up" on video before. This year, I've played with lightning, set, makeup, hair...and sometimes clothing. But if you watched regularly, you didn't miss my "black hoodie" phase 😉


I feel pretty liberated showing up in no makeup, crazy humidity hair, and just shooting shorts on the fly with ideas I have in the present moment. I'm having fun.

Plus, the secret is that audiences like authenticity!

If this is something you'd like to be coached on, let me know by booking a free discovery call online.

-Heather Larson, Certified Coach & Usui Reiki Master